RobotCraft 2019

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    RobotCraft Bot 2020

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    RobotCraft Bot 2020

    Price exc. VAT (23%)

    The robot includes the following features:

    • 4WD Hercules mobile robotic platform with solid shell made up of aluminium and PLA
    • 2 x DC motors
    • 2 x DC motors with 34 PPR encoders
    • 2 x Devantech SRF02 I2C ultrasonic range finder
    • 1 x Sharp GP2Y0A21YK infrared proximity sensor
    • 4 x Smart RGB LEDs WS2812B with integrated driver chip
    • 1 x Hercules dualmotor driver 15A 6-20V Arduino-compatible controller
    • 1 x Arduino Mega 2560 for low-level control (firmware with PID controller included)
    • 1 x Raspberry Pi 3 for high-level control, fully integrated in the Robot Operating System (ROS) (ROS with specific routines included)


    No battery included: Requires LiPoBattery 7.4V 2400mAh
