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• André Araújo obtained his M.Sc. degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering (robotics and automation field) on July 2012.

• He holds currently a research fellowship and is member of the research team of the CHOPIN (Cooperation between Human and rObotic teams in catastroPhic INcidents) R&D project, at the MRL-ISR-UC (Mobile Robotics Laboratory - Institute of Systems and Robotics - University of Coimbra).

• His research interests are Robotics, Mobile Robotics, Intelligent Control, Embedded Systems and Automation.

• Detailled information about André Araújo activities and interests can be found in the following links: Curriculum Vitae, participation in research projectspublications list.

• André Araújo contact informations are available here.

• In this webpage you can follow the developments of his work. Enjoy!

© 2013 Todos os direitos reservados. André Araújo